Thursday, June 02, 2005

looking after...

whatup kids?

don't know how many of you know, but i've been having a few financial problems of late.
and as i was rumbling through my morning routine this morning, noticed there was a envelope sitting on the windscreen of my car. (seeing as i park in front of the kitchen window this was not particulary unusual).

although what i found there was:
on further inspection the envelope was wrapped in gladwrap to protect it from the diabolical weather, and had a simple 'carl' written on the front.
enclosed was $40 of good ole hard earned cash. except i hadn't earned it. someone out of the goodness of their heart, and mysteriousness of anonymousness had left it there for me.

i was rapt. as i had been praying the night before about how everything would work out, because me and God have been battling through this situation. (He's winning!) I can see how its gonna benefit me in the long term, but its not real fun now.
He used that as a sign of His provision to show that nothing is too big for Him.
i have also been blessed through close christian mates praying for me. cheers guys - you know who you are.

so, i hope thats encouraging to you guys, it certainly was to me.

and a specific thanks to the anonymous giver. you rock.

now, no anonymous comments, ya hear? peace.


Blogger carl said...


10:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome. Yay God, and Yay his followers

10:49 pm  
Blogger Anita said...

That is great Carl. Sorry to hear bout your troubles. $ making idea to the TC blog

2:50 pm  
Blogger bayou_boy504 said...

I wish I had your neighbors!

3:36 pm  
Blogger ProfaHabersack said...

Wow! You never know how God is going to use you for His glory! What a test of your faith. Continue to submit to Him and rely on Him for your every need. His grace and mercy always come through!

3:46 pm  

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