looking after...
whatup kids?
don't know how many of you know, but i've been having a few financial problems of late.
and as i was rumbling through my morning routine this morning, noticed there was a envelope sitting on the windscreen of my car. (seeing as i park in front of the kitchen window this was not particulary unusual).
although what i found there was:
on further inspection the envelope was wrapped in gladwrap to protect it from the diabolical weather, and had a simple 'carl' written on the front.
enclosed was $40 of good ole hard earned cash. except i hadn't earned it. someone out of the goodness of their heart, and mysteriousness of anonymousness had left it there for me.
i was rapt. as i had been praying the night before about how everything would work out, because me and God have been battling through this situation. (He's winning!) I can see how its gonna benefit me in the long term, but its not real fun now.
He used that as a sign of His provision to show that nothing is too big for Him.
i have also been blessed through close christian mates praying for me. cheers guys - you know who you are.
so, i hope thats encouraging to you guys, it certainly was to me.
and a specific thanks to the anonymous giver. you rock.
now, no anonymous comments, ya hear? peace.
That's awesome. Yay God, and Yay his followers
That is great Carl. Sorry to hear bout your troubles. $ making idea to the TC blog
I wish I had your neighbors!
Wow! You never know how God is going to use you for His glory! What a test of your faith. Continue to submit to Him and rely on Him for your every need. His grace and mercy always come through!
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