Wednesday, June 15, 2005


well firstly, i must holla out to our blogsister 'alana', who has returned from the land of afar. nice to have you back.

also in other revolutionary blogging news, 'thus spoke jono' is back and he's fired up about facial hair. good on ya mate.

well. after being shafted around for a warrant of fitness, (alternator belt, anyone?) hmmm. i finally got it on monday, so now the trusty diesel stallion can vacate it's usual south auckland premisis and enjoy a vast roadtrip to the hearty east coast.

hopefully, whilst enjoying the natural countryside and fine company of relations of friends, i'lst also be granted the opportunity to partake in some splendatious wave riding adventures. heh.


sorry, don't have anything contentious to blog, maybe next time.

stay tuned to find out whether our hero survives his dangerous adventure to the east coast,
remember, same bat time, same bat channel.

(*daunting theme music*)


Blogger Scotty said...

We hope you make it back bro.

9:16 am  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Shot Mr Muir!
Hope the trusty stalion 'Big D' can return you safely.
fare thee well!

9:54 am  
Blogger Jonathan said...

and thanks for the publicity! wohoo

9:54 am  

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