Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Toyota Corona 2.0D (1995 - 2005) R.I.P.


A trusty stallion, reliable friend, and long supporting ride.

Yeah, I didn't anticiapte this day coming for a while yet, but alas, the insurance company won't fork out to fix her up, so fairwell sweet D. thanks for the fun times.
I had a moments silence with her last night, and said goodbye to the many things i'll miss, - the missing hubcap, the diesel stains on the boot, the familiar rumble when she kicks into life, the squeaky fan belt, the hill climbing mis-ability.

when I get home tonight she'll be gone forever.

'raises glass in general direction' - take it easy big 'D'.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only knew her for a short trip down to hamilton and back, but she was a fine car. I am saddened to hear this news.

*rasises glass*

8:48 am  
Blogger carl said...

murphy's law.

i'm pretty blessed in that i get rid of it before it dies on me.
God even gave me a 100% mark up on what i paid for it, so its all good.

just gonna miss her. heh.

2:32 pm  
Blogger Dan said...

Respect, D.

(raises glass) "clink"

4:18 pm  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Well I never got to pay my last respects! :(
Was going to this morning, but got up late, and alas, Big D was no more.

(raises glass) "clink"

9:47 am  
Blogger Scotty said...

Big D has gone to a better place.

2:29 pm  

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