Tuesday, October 18, 2005

post two

hmmm well.
yeah, these updates don't seem to be working quite as well as anticipated. oh well. its hard to compress all the stuff, emotions, experiences, highlights in a small text fromat to convey all thats going on over here, but some stuff thats gone down follows:

last night we had the mean thunderstorm, i don't think you appreciate the full power of torrential rain until you sleep under a corragated iron roof with no insulation, ceiling, or anything. gets quite loud, and with thunder booming away in the background it formed quite a symphony.
quite a humbling experience.

whilst waiting to lead devotions at the prayer meeting this morning, me neil and hamish were hanging with the locals, apparently we found out later, they thought we we're pretty handsome, (it musta been early in the moring before we got a good sweat up, yea-uh!)

this afternoon - we also had the opportunity to go to the genocide muesum. wow. its very crazy, to imagine what went on there. its all still like it was at the time of the kymer rouge, with the cells, barbed wire, quite a dispicable place. in its former life it was a school, then the turned it into a prisoner camp. i'll leave you with one disturbing statistic - of 20,000 people that went in, only 7 came out alive.

on a lighter note, me and neil are slowly communicating more with our host family. we managed 'delicious' in kymer - chng ung after last nights meal and found out all the ages of the family. its pretty cool. i'm really enjoying living in the slums, i'm not quite sure why exactly? maybe the sense of community? it would be pretty hard to live there and work fulltime for 4 dollars a day, but the way they have looked after us so far makes for a particulary enjoyable experience. its gonna be sad to leave.

anyway, hope all you fullas are well. keep up the good work at home, and look after my flatmates for me. chur guys,

a lee how a / goodbye


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